Friday, September 16, 2011

Lung Cancer Alternative Treatments and Options

As of 2010 lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths for both men and women in the U.S.A and also worldwide. It is the number two most diagnosed cancer in men (first is prostate cancer), and the number two most diagnosed in women (first is breast cancer) in the U.S.A. Because the 5-year survival rate in lung cancer patients is approximately 14%, this diagnosis is a very serious and frightening thing. Do lung cancer alternative treatments exist? Yes, they do.
It is important to understand that you can use conventional cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation), and also use alternative treatments at the same time. The alternative treatments will not interfere with the effectiveness of the conventional treatments. In fact, by boosting the immune system, they can actually help your body deal with the severe side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
Natural and alternative treatments for cancer of the lung or any other type of cancer target the immune system and the whole body. This is because all cancer is caused by a failure of the immune system to do its job of finding and killing mutant cells.
We all have cancerous cells in our bodies at all times, this occurs because something damages the DNA of a cell, causing it to mutate. All cells regularly divide and replace themselves. If the old cell has DNA that has been damaged or mutated, the new cell that is produced will also have this same damaged DNA. It will continue to reproduce the mutation, and you will get cancer.
Your immune system is programmed to find and destroy these mutated cells, and it normally does this very effectively. However, if the immune system is weak or has also been damaged, some of the cancerous cells may not be destroyed, which means they will continue to replicate, and a tumor will form.
This is why the first priority of all lung cancer alternative treatments is to strengthen and boost the immune system, so it can do its job of finding and destroying cancerous cells. In most cases this is done through dietary changes and the addition of different types of supplements. There are also some very effective treatments that are administered only in a clinic setting.
Many people do not know that specialized alternative cancer clinics exist, and they use cutting edge procedures, equipment and drugs to successfully treat all types of cancer. These clinics are located mainly in Germany and Mexico, and a few can be found in the U.S.A. The alternative cancer treatments in these clinics can be extremely effective.
If you have been diagnosed with this disease, you know how serious your situation is. Do as much as your can to boost your immune system immediately by improving your diet, and then research your treatment options. Be sure to pay special attention to the treatments available at alternative cancer clinics, especially those in Germany and Mexico.
There are good alternative treatments for lung cancer, so take a few days to research your options. Because lung cancer is very serious, think about going for treatment at one of the a alternative cancer clinics in the U.S., Germany or Mexico, they have had impressive success with these advanced cancers.

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